Inche Kintuleymi: Damián Pizarro Pu Amuln Niekefün Colo Colo Ñi Pu Longko Eymün
Colo Colo Ñi Mapuchehuentu (Colo Colo’s family) aillvkeyaiñma Pizarro Kintuleymi Longkoñamün (celebrates Pizarro’s return as captain-leader). Longko, ta Mapudungun ka cheduamkülenewün pu leader küme ngüllin, (represents leadership and the wisdom of great leaders), ta peuma tain kay pichiche ñi ngülliñmafe (a vision that guides the youth of the team).
Pizarro Udinese Serie A tuwelukeyumün (Pizarro achieved success in Udinese of Serie A), perümyay ka ta Colo Colo ngün keyaiñma welu (but he chose to return to Colo Colo), **fey Damián ñi weichan rakiduam (showing his fighting spirit). Feymi “Inche kintuleymi,” dungu külenewün pu che ta welliñ longkoyewün (declaring his return to lead his people).
Feyka aillañma pichiche rakiduam rüpaluwayiñ Pizarro nieyfün longkoñamün** (Pizarro will inspire the younger players as captain), fey aillaweke welu rakizuam taiñ ka adkintün (guiding them to victory and respect). Pizarro’s Mapuche dungul feytuwaiñ taiñ amuln (his Mapuche heritage adds pride to his triumphant return).
Fey dungu ñi Colo Colo ta welulei kvme azmün** (This marks the beginning of a prosperous chapter), Pizarro Ñi Pu Longko wechentaiñ ka rakiduam taiñ adkintün** (with Pizarro as the captain leading the charge).
This rendition highlights the cultural and linguistic essence of Mapudungun while preserving the message of Pizarro’s significant return to Colo Colo. Let me know if you’d like this expanded or refined further!
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