£2 million: Dujon Sterling was correct on Rangers bedwetters, but will Hearts be able to persevere at Hampden? Saturday Jury

Have the Rangers wasted points at Dundee and Ross County to lose the championship?

Yes, Frazier Wilson. Based on their performance this week, I don’t think they will win their remaining five games. Furthermore, even that might not be sufficient. It is evident that they are not of the highest caliber.

MICHAEL GANNON: Gers’ destructive bedwetting spree has spread the advantage throughout the city. Though it’s not finished yet, the Ibrox squad urgently needs a significant response.

GAVIN BERRY: No more of it. With five games left, they have left themselves with too much to do, and Celtic won’t allow a chance like this to pass them by.

After manager Philippe Clement declined to offer criticism against Dens, was Dujon Sterling correct to be blunt about the Gers’ predicament?

FRASER: At this crucial point in the season, Clement was never going to abandon his teammates. However, supporters are not stupid, and the manager had the option of sending out a broad “not good enough” message. Sterling was spot on. He was simply reporting what the other observers saw.

MICHAEL: Hearing a little candor from a player was refreshing. Although Clement was attempting to protect his players, it seemed a little cheesy. At least Gers supporters are aware that the players understand how serious the issue is.

GAVIN: He was spot on; you can’t play the fans off. However, it’s simpler for him than for a manager, or even someone like James Tavernier, who has to exercise caution when speaking in public, particularly around this bunch of players.

Is it possible that Aberdeen overreached in order to get Jimmy Thelin in the dugout at Hampden?

FRASER: It seems that the Dons have decided on the summer start after doing a good deal of pressing. Thelin comes across as a man who doesn’t want to be coerced into doing anything, so fine if he wanted to spend the next few months at Elfsborg. Nevertheless, Peter Leven is doing a great job in his interim role.

Michael: It’s a strange situation, and it’s challenging to get a new manager up to speed without the new manager there.

Thelin need to be on the plane as soon as the agreement was reached, but they must get past it. He ought to arrive early when Elfsborg gets their new man.

GAVIN: Obviously, it would have been much better for them, but what other option did Aberdeen have if Elfsborg refused to play ball and throw the toys out the stroller? They wanted him, and there isn’t much more they can do if coming in June is the only possibility.

What has to happen for Hearts to defeat Rangers at Hampden for the first time ever?

FRASER: From the outset, confront them head-on and challenge the Rangers defense. It won’t do to see the last semi-final’s passive show. Hearts must believe and demonstrate that they have the players at the top of the field to destroy a hot Rangers team.

MICHAEL: This season, the Jambos must regain the form they shown against Celtic. To let their primary player, Lawrence Shankland, be a threat, it will be necessary to play boldly on the ball while maintaining a strong defensive line. They won’t be in a better position to break that awful Hampden record.

GAVIN: Given Rangers’ current mental state, they must first have faith in order to overcome the Hampden hex. If they don’t, they will never succeed. With the Light Blues so vulnerable, Lawrence Shankland may exploit gaps in the defense.


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