Speaking to FLW, Matt has revealed to us that if any player were to be sold by West Brom this summer, he would be happy if it was Daryl Dike.”If the club were to cash in on any one player this summer, I’d be happy for it Daryl Dike, all because of his injury issues,” said Matt.I believe he cost us £10m so you would like to think that, based upon what he cost us previously, we would be able to recoup at least some of that
.Perhaps I am wrong. Obviously he is still young but he has had many injury problems while he has been here, and at this point, I think cash would be more beneficial.”You balance that against the benefit of him being fit, which won’t happen until the end of this year, and it does make sense.”You can say that about any club, and it is a shame, but weighing up the two, I think we would much rather the potential money a sale could bring than a fit and firing Daryl Dike, as there is no guarantee he stays fit.”
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